We just finished our eighth month on our mission! Where has the time gone? Now we are transferring and leaving Manaoag behind. It will be hard to leave. We have made many friends here.
This week we went with the Sisters to visit some of their less active members and investigators. We visited these people who have a sari-sari (store) at Virgin's Well.
This is the Virgin's Well. It is well-known in the Philippines, and many people come here for pilgrimages or to drink the Holy water.
This is the first "wild" pig I've seen in the Philippines. When I was a girl and lived here, they were all over. People used to keep them and their chickens under their nipa huts, or homes on stilts. But now they have mostly very nice looking white pigs like we have in the US.
The rainy season is starting, and we get down pours most evenings for a few hours. The people tell us that during the height of the rainy season, the down pours last several days. But for now, it's just for an hour or two. Look at all the water that accumulated in our front area. We don't have a lawn, just dirt (or mud)!
We had a final zone meeting before we and several of the missionaries left for new areas. I made scones, and they loved them! Imagine that!!!!
We went to Baguio to look at a new apartment for missionaries. This is Bridal Veil Falls on the way up the mountain.
Here are the Elders in the apartment. The Filipinos love bright colors! |
Here is the view of Baguio from the kitchen window of the apartment.
We took the Elders out for lunch in Baguio. This was the sandwich at the Fifties Diner. It was enough for two meals for us!
We had a Family Home Evening and dinner with Dola's family to tell two of the sisters and us good-bye. We had a lesson, games, and dinner. They are a really special family, and they have taught us a lot. We will miss them!
Malou was married that day in the Manila Temple. She asked Elder to be one of her witnesses. She looked beautiful in her white dress, and we were very grateful to be able to attend.
These sisters were at the temple also. Our District took a bus and a van--around 70 people in all. We left at 1:30 in the morning and got home at 8 that night. It was quite a day!
Our branch gave us a good-bye party tonight. We have learned so much from them about what it takes to be happy. Family and the gospel can make you happy, not things. These people have hardly anything in material possessions, but they have love and laughter in their homes and are happy. I know why I was sent to Manaoag--to learn to love them and to be forever changed because of what I've learned. I didn't know love could hurt that much when you say good-bye.
The picture says, "We love you". Paalam Manaoag. Mahan namin kayo also! Salamat po--thank you for what you've taught us. We will always have a place in our hearts for our brothers and sisters here and for our eight months in Manaoag. But we are ready to start our next new adventure. San Fernando, here we come!