Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week Forty-nine

This past week has been more of the same.  You're probably tired of hearing about our little travels and adventures, but that's our life, so we'll just share.

 My rice field shot.  It's all tasseled out now and will be ready to harvest soon.  This is in Candon across from the Sister's apartment.

 Monday I went into the downstairs shower, turned on the water, then happened to glance up to the corner near the shower head.  This friendly creature was staking out his claim right there.  I called for Brad to come and take care of him, so he did.  That's a great way to start out the week!

 All taken care of.  Sorry, PETA.  Insects have no rights in my house!
 We took beds and fans to some of the sisters.  They went right to work and assembled a fan like they were old hands at it.

                                                  Yea for handy Elders!

An electric pole fell down near Bangued.  Buses and trucks were lined up for a long ways because the clearance for the wires was about 6'.  Things like that make for great adventures for driving here.
 We attended a Family Fun Celebration in Bangued this weekend.  They had various sports competitions throughout the day.  Then towards the end, ladies, young women, and Primary children all performed for the program.

 Even though these 3 branches are few in number, they are large in spirit and enthusiasm, and there was a great turnout at their activity.
 Our cute neighbor missionaries. . .

They are amazing!  We stopped to drop by something for them.  Can't remember what, but I had to bring treats also.

 More amazing missionaries.  These sisters just got moved into their apartment.  They will be joined soon by two more sisters.

 Our Sisters in the blue house.  We stopped by to give them something for their apartment.  Such great missionaries!

 Thanks for looking at our blog.  If you're wondering why we're putting more pictures of missionaries in our blog, we've gotten word that some of the missionary moms are looking at our blog to see pictures of their missionaries.  If I know you're looking, I'll try to include your son or daughter for sure.  Anyway, hope you have a great week!    We're sure we will here!


  1. Hello. I'm Sister Mortell's Aunt, Mimi, from Idaho Falls. Thanks so much for your lovely blog and for posting photos of Allyson. It is so great seeing her out serving the Lord. Take care.

  2. Yes! This Mom of Sister Dial LIVES for you weekly pics!

  3. Sister Miller has only sent a couple pictures by email so thank you so very much for posting these! We are so grateful! To be able to see our daughter (and sister) is an absolute joy!
